How to Grow Cannabis Outdoors
Cannabis has grown in the world for thousands, probably millions of years, without human cultivation and in almost every climate. Thus, growing marijuana outdoors is probably the easiest and most natural way to do it. Outdoor growing provides a higher level of natural carbon dioxide and the best light. Even though extreme weather conditions, animals, and scavengers have a higher chance of ruining your outdoor crops, it promises better yields than indoors.
For a successful crop, you need an outdoor area that receives at least 5 hours of direct sunlight daily. The other three most important things to look at as you choose your grow site are water supply, soil type, and climate. The site may be your own backyard, in pots on a balcony, or guerilla growing. You need to keep your plants away from winds as these may dehydrate your crops or they may get fertilized by rogue male pollen. The hardest part about guerilla planting is ensuring the security of your weed, especially from thieves and rodents.
Cannabis can grow on almost any type of soil, the difference is in the amount of harvest yield and time it takes to maturity. Clay soils should be prepared at least a month ahead of growing. Since clay soils hold lots of water, you need to add lots of organics, compost, and perlite to increase air circulation and drainage. Sandy soils on the other hand do not hold nutrients though they do allow the roots to achieve excellent penetration. Loam soils are perfect for marijuana cultivation. They offer better aeration to the roots compared to clay and sustain nutrients better than sand. Ensure that your loamy soils stay at a pH of 6.5-7.5.
If you know how to grow weed, you can easily germinate and grow seeds found in a bag of weed purchased from any street corner pusher, it is best to go to established seed shops. This ensures you get feminized seeds which will provide a high harvest yield. For better control, germinate your seeds indoors in small pots, with only one seed per pot. Do not add any nutrients to the soil, just a little sprinkling of moisture once or twice per day.
Marijuana will thrive in almost any soil without addition of extra nutrients. Nevertheless, to increase your yield you may add fertilizer depending on the type of soil. Beware not to burn your plants with excess fertilizer application. Use nitrogen-rich fertilizers during the vegetative phase and phosphorous-rich formulas during the flowering stage.
Some common problems you might face when growing your cannabis outdoors include rogue male pollen, pests like caterpillars, animals like rabbits, frost damage, and moldy buds.
See More : How to Grow Cannabis Indoors