Tips on How to Choose the Right Solar Panel for Your Home

01/12/2015 16:52

Solar energy is a fast growing industry. So how in the world does solar energy work and how can you use it? Solar energy was first harnessed in 1989 and enough power was produced to light up a Christmas tree. Today, to produce enough power to charge batteries for a solar powered house, the equipments required would weigh about the same as Queen Mary II.

The main question that many people ask is what should you consider when you think about designing a good solar powered house. This article provides you with information about the most important elements of electric solar system.  So, how do you choose the correct solar panels for your home? Here are the factors to consider:

·         The cost of the solar panels

·         Efficiency of the solar panels

·         Durability of the solar panels

·         The type of electric solar panels

These are the four most important factors to consider when choosing solar panels for your home. Other key factors that you need to put in mind include:

Consider the recommendations of friends, consultants, colleagues, acquaintances and family have installed solar panels in their homes.

How the solar panel works

Solar panels are made of electric small solar cells that are electrically connected to form a module. The module is referred to as solar panel.

Solar panels or PV (photovoltaic) are designed with a sheet of glass on the front side. This allows light to pass through and it also protects the semiconductor elements

Electrons are released when photons from the sun hit solar cells. They move through the circuit in the form of direct current. The power then flows to the load, which could be a bulb or TV or any electronic and back to solar cells on the lower side, thereby completing the circuit.

The direct current can be used during sunlight hours for any device that requires 12 volts DC.

Top rated Solar Panels Maryland normally connects solar cells in series, or in modules. Creating solar cells in parallel only increase the current.

This is very important in ensuring that the solar panel absorbs maximum amount of solar energy. The sizes of solar panels vary in size and it all depends on the demands of the space or home.

In standalone systems, electricity is normally fed in electrical grid using inverters. Batteries are used to store energy that is not needed immediately. This stored power can be used when there is no sunlight.

Solar panels are also used to charge portable devices like mobile phones and rechargeable batteries. Refer to my article on harnessing the energy of the sun: solar panel installation guide.

The number of solar panels needed is determined by the amount of power that you need to recharge the system during sunlight hours. If your system has 12V batteries, y


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