How Does Hypnosis Work in Smoking Cessation Process
Millions of people who smoke and wants to stop smoking for good may have a hard time to do it. It can be a fact for many especially if they are craving for more since their mindset is all about smoking cigarettes and they are salivating just to hear the word tobacco or cigarette. One way on how to help people stop smoking is through hypnotherapy. Through hypnotherapy sessions, the person who is already addicted to tobacco smoking will be “hypnotized” in a way that their mind will be more focused in implementing other activities without thinking about smoking.
Hypnotherapy Sessions – Is it Really Effective
On the other side of the story, many people don’t believe that hypnotherapy is effective. Well remember, hypnosis has been proven to be effective and it has been done by experts since the 1950’s. Hence, hypnotherapy is indeed an effective method in helping an individual quit smoking.
Procedure in Hypnotherapy
Now when it comes to the procedure, the patient will be assessed first. This means that their medical records will be checked first. After the assessment, hypnotherapy sessions are provided to the patient. Remember, each session varies and this will depend on the gravity of the patient’s addiction to cigarettes or cigars.
Now for instance, a hypnotherapist will put you in a “trance” and then he or she will try to let you focus and think of things, ideas, suggestions which the hypnotherapist would say to you. If he says, “the smell of a cigarette smoke is just like burned rubber tire then you wouldn’t want to smell cigarette for good”. The hypnotherapy sessions will continue until you’ve achieved your goal of quitting smoking for the rest of your life and of course it’s the goal of the hypnotherapist anyway. Remember, the hypnotherapist should have a quitting smoking timeline for you and it should be achieved accordingly.
The Effectiveness of Hypnosis to Help You Quit Smoking
Although it has been proven that hypnosis to let people quit smoking has been proven, it may vary and that’s according to the individual who has undergone this type of therapy session. Also, the intensity of the hypnotherapy may also vary since it will depend on the hypnotherapist if he or she has done it according to the questions asked and also the hypnosis procedures being done.
On the other hand, as you undergo hypnotherapy, you also need to do some worthwhile activities to let you keep away from holding a cigarette or a cigar. You can be involved in sports activities, exercises or you can do some hobbies which you would love to do.
Hypnosis indeed can work to help you stop smoking. The process can be hard and it may take some time but the point is, you can stop smoking and if you are indeed determined then you can do it. It’s a challenge but only you can stop smoking but of course with the help of a hypnotherapist.